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Blockchain Innovation: Interviewing The Brightest Minds In Blockchain

Jun 6, 2018

Jerry Cuomo is the Vice President of Blockchain Technologies at IBM. He is an IBM Fellow, veteran software engineer, and one of the founding fathers of IBM WebSphere.


In this episode, Jerry and I discuss:


  • How Jerry and his father are lifelong “IBMers.” In fact, his father made a discovery in 1972 that eventually led to the invention of optical disks. Jerry recounts crawling through the hallways of the IBM Research Center in his diapers – true story
  • How IBM first embraced Ethereum before helping form Hyperledger
  • The IBM Blockchain Platform and how IBM is using blockchain to revolutionize supply chain management for big name clients like Walmart, Maersk, Dole, Kroger, and many more
  • Sovereign identity and private vs. public blockchains