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Blockchain Innovation: Interviewing The Brightest Minds In Blockchain

Dec 18, 2019

Lane Retting works at the Ethereum Foundation. He is a hacker and polyglot with an affinity for East Asian languages.


In this episode, Lane and I discuss:


  • The journey to a brand new Ethereum – Ethereum 2.0 (code named “Serenity”). We discuss what Serenity’s roadmap looks like, and when it’s expected to...

Oct 8, 2019

I sent a survey to about 1,500 people and asked them what their biggest challenges were, when it comes to learning about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

We created Blockchain Innovation Academy to address those challenges.

This is a short tour of the Academy.

Watch the video –


Oct 3, 2019

I sent a survey to about 1,500 people and asked them what their biggest challenges were, when it comes to learning about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Here are the final 3 challenges my subscribers submitted. (From the top 10. See previous episodes for the other 7).

Watch the video -

Oct 1, 2019

I sent a survey to about 1,500 people and asked them what their biggest challenges were, when it comes to learning about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Here are 4 of the top 10 challenges my subscribers submitted.

Watch the video -

Sep 27, 2019

I sent a survey to about 1,500 people and asked them what their biggest challenges were, when it comes to learning about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Here are 3 of the top 10 challenges my subscribers submitted.

Watch the video -