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Blockchain Innovation: Interviewing The Brightest Minds In Blockchain

Jun 20, 2018

Trent McConaghy is the Co-Founder of Solido, Ascribe, BigchainDB and Ocean Protocol. He holds a PhD in Engineering and has a background in Computer Science.

In this episode, Trent and I discuss:

  • How Trent went from being raised on a pig farm in Saskatchewan, Canada, to being one of the world’s top experts in Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • How companies like Facebook and Google are really just data companies that hoard data (and it looks like Ocean may change that)
  • The “ArtDAO” – a thought experiment on how an autonomous piece of AI code becomes independently wealthy. What does it do with the money?
  • The nuts and bolts of Ocean Protocol, Estonia’s e-residency program (which Trent has advised Estonia on), and much more